Saturday, October 18, 2014

Didn't I try this already?

I often think about blogging. Usually it's when I'm in the shower, picking up toys, making lunches or some other unnoteworthy part of my day. Problem is, I never do it. As I looked back at this blog I realized it's been 4.5 years (and a second child) since I've written! I suppose it's because life gets in the way, and I usually pass out on the couch before 9pm, or spend time pinning needless things. But, because so much of my life is spent on non-design, brand or other creative things, when I do do something, I kind if want to share it. For posterity, but also because I search others ideas so much too, and I want to inspire as well. (Or maybe I'm just, really, really proud - you be the judge). So, I'm going to try this again. I'm really, really going to try sharing what I do, personally and professionally, a bit more. Probably mostly for myself, but maybe my hashtags, or attempts at witty banter will interest you as well. #oldcollegetry

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