Thursday, November 20, 2014

TBT: Our 2012 Christmas Card

In honor of Throwback Thursday, and the fact that this year's Christmas cards are on my mind, I thought I'd share one of my favorite cards to date. (Side note: yes, it's a Christmas card, not a holiday card, a solstice card, or anything else - in my house I'm going to call them Christmas cards. Ok, rant over.)

In 2012, my sleep deprived brain somehow came up with the idea to do an infographic Christmas card. I did one last year too, but this one is my favorite. The icing on the cake - I actually took a good picture of my boys that was suitable for the card. (As any parent of a young child knows - getting 2 children to smile at the same time is nearly impossible - so there may have been some rather ridiculous antics going on in the background, but the end product was worth it.)

Now my only problem is that I've done infographics 2 years in a row, so I'm no longer cutting edge - and I can't have that, so this year will bring quite the challenge. But in the meantime, here's my 2012 card.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Containing the toy explosion

A few years ago we finished our basement, for more space and with the idea that we could toss the toys down there nd not have to stare at the chaos. Except I knew the chaos was there, and cleaning up the room really didn't work because it boiled down to lining piles of toys against the walls. I had a longtime vision to create built in shelves along one wall. And I'm handy enough that I figured I could build them. So finally I did. Through a lot of research, consultations, and modifications of plans from, which I live to pieces), I give you our playroom shelves. I still need to build doors, but hey, baby steps...

Didn't I try this already?

I often think about blogging. Usually it's when I'm in the shower, picking up toys, making lunches or some other unnoteworthy part of my day. Problem is, I never do it. As I looked back at this blog I realized it's been 4.5 years (and a second child) since I've written! I suppose it's because life gets in the way, and I usually pass out on the couch before 9pm, or spend time pinning needless things. But, because so much of my life is spent on non-design, brand or other creative things, when I do do something, I kind if want to share it. For posterity, but also because I search others ideas so much too, and I want to inspire as well. (Or maybe I'm just, really, really proud - you be the judge). So, I'm going to try this again. I'm really, really going to try sharing what I do, personally and professionally, a bit more. Probably mostly for myself, but maybe my hashtags, or attempts at witty banter will interest you as well. #oldcollegetry