Friday, June 10, 2011

"...and then I accidentally hit Reply All."

Scandal seems to be among us lately, from Terrel Pryor to Anthony Weiner. And it's unfortunate that many perceived role models really no longer are such. While that brings up the issue of crisis communications, I'll save that thought for another day.

In the meantime, Anthony Weiner specifically leads me to another thought. With the technological advances we've experienced in the last few years, communicating via type on any sort of device is more mainstream than many phone calls. Yet, it's also more dangerous. I have flashbacks about a snarky email reply I sent to a coworker several years ago. In my haste to disply my brilliant and slightly offensive sarcasm, I accidentally hit "Reply All". I still shudder when I think about the damage contol I had to do with other coworkers who did not find my remarks particularly humours. But, I learned an important lesson: don't put anything in cyberspace if you don't want it to have a paper trail.

Karen Malone Wright, has a great blog entry on just that subject here. All about our perceived privacy online and how really it doesn't exist. It's interesting but true. And hopefully it's helpful to someone who might make these mistakes. Because no one wants to learn the hard way, just ask Anthony Weiner.

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