I'm looking at the new iPad this morning and feeling rather far out of the technologial loop. Sure I can understand what they are saying with the tech requirements and such, but then I read about people comparing it to their netbook, iPhone or brand new Mac laptop and I sigh. I've seen these things, I've even played with them, in a glorious glimse of what I'd love to have. A trip to the Apple store is like perusing JCrew or the Coach store for me - lots of things to lust over, but nothing I can actually buy right now. Well, I suppose I could, but I know my money is much better spent on say, diapers.
That said, I guess it's better to know what's out there, even if you can't have it, rather than bury your head in the sand and have no idea what's going on out there in technology. So, check out the new iPad, it's a pretty interesting concept, even if I can't have one...
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